Monday, March 27, 2023


 It's been a while as you can see by the timeline. It's also been a busy one. Writing, critiquing, reading books to review, and maintaining all of my sites and home life leaves little time for myself. I recently signed up for people to read "A Day of Reckoning" on "Voracious Readers Only" and on "Booksprout". Both of these websites have books you can read and also put your novel in for review.  I hope those who read it will like it. I've sold more books and so far, I still have just two reviews on Amazon. I keep taking it one day at a time, but man, I feel like I'm being drug through the mud! 

"Silos", is kicking my ass. Plain and simple. What started out as a fun "let's see if I can make this work" project is turning into a headache! But it will not leave me alone. I know I can make it work and will do so. 


 I really enjoyed this memoir. Mr. Pedersen is a great storyteller and I loved the warm tributes to his relatives. It is well written; it strikes strong emotions; his words are written in such a way that made this reader laugh and cry. The first line of the first story “Campfire in the basement”, is a great hook and I could picture the scene quite easily. I also found this book ran parallel to the television series, “The Waltons” and “Little House on the Prarie”; meaning that life was hard and people had to work hard. Their lives did not center on entitlement. You fell on hard times you made it work, you had times of plenty, you gave to those who didn’t. Material gain came from hard work but what made these people rich was love for family and helping others who needed help. Each story had vivid scenes and it was easy to put myself into those stories. It was easy to read and relatable like having to walk home in the dark down a long dirt road. And, in each of the stories he told there was something to take away from each one. Each person Mr. Pedersen wrote about was filled with love for that indiviual, it is easy to see he wrote from his heart. We all want a place by the lake, we all long for tranquility and should view life being about love. We should all be surprised at even the smallest of things such as Wintergreen lifesavers sparking. If “Campfire in the Basement” were to ever become a television series, I’d watch it.


 I enjoyed reading this book. It has a great storyline and was easy to follow the timelines, which are different stories based on an “evil” ...