Hello all! An FYI: I attached my old blog "Stuff From The Attic" to this one. On the sidebar, you can see where it says "Stuff From The Attic (Original)". I left it sitting for so long that I can't get into it so, I decided to stick it with this blog site. I wrote too many articles in it for me to just let it slip into cyberspace.
Well, today I uploaded my manuscript to Amazon! It will be a few days before it's online but I can't believe after all of these years it's finally happening. I thought about going through a traditional publisher but there is too much to go through. I know self-publishing has its own share of hardships but I think it's the best route for me, at least for now. Even if I don't ever publish another novel, I can say that I did publish one. I wish my parents and grandparents could have witnessed it. Especially my dad.
Does it seem like a cop out? No. If you have ever had to go through the process of writing inquiry letters, cover letters, synopsizes, and searching for the right agent, right publisher, right audience, everything has to be just so, so or it's nothing. I've done this for a long time; I even came to a point where I thought it wasn't worth the effort, rejections, harsh criticism, and snobby remarks just do not cut it with me. But, I couldn't leave the pen and paper alone. I had so many ideas swimming inside me with nowhere to go. I have notebooks loaded down with ideas and boxes full of articles and research material, How could I just quit? Well, I can't not now.
You still have to find the right audience and you have to do a lot of the marketing, but it's still a better way to go. I'm sure I've made some grammatical errors, but finding an editor is another cost. I read that some editors charge as much as a thousand dollars! Yeah, got that in my pocket right now.
It's an exciting time in the technology world. I know self-publication has been around for quite a while but I didn't understand it. I still don't but I do have the basic workings of how it works understood. There are many helpful programs and apps out there that can help with writing processes. Some are free and don't do as much as premium programs offered but what is offered is a huge help for my endeavors.
For those of you who have something you want to write about, then you should get it written down. Take a class at your local community college like creative writing. I'm sure there are Youtube videos and Masterclasses that can teach a person just about everything too. Get out a pen and a notebook and just start writing down your ideas. And read, read, read! If you don't like to read, then the writing process may be a hard road for you.
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